The Final Post
1) What was that that I enjoyed in this class? Was is my classmates, the course or the teacher? In all honesty, the only enjoyable thing here was you Mr. Heymore, there are no words to express how much I will miss this class. How I will miss the guidance that I needed and the examples of true living.
2) But with every good there is a bad. And that bad that roamed with me was the non-stop talking that happen in a daily bases in this class, but that was settled once everyone was scattered.
3) As a two time student of this class, I know that the major problem with this class is the ruckus. There but one solution to that problem and that is strictness.
To the person who is reading this, there won't be any more of this, but the show must go on, that's all for today folks.
Cutie, I'll continue reading your posts. I hope you can come back to this blog once more. I'll be waiting, hansome <3