Monday, August 31, 2015


Attitude is usually taken in a negative way. Attitude is seen as a way of thinking or feeling towards someone, but more in depth, attitude expresses feelings within ones self that can not be shown with words. Unfortunately, in our community, attitude has gotten a negative connotation and is use in daily basis to call someones attention about their negative attitude instead of using it to show us our good doings.
"Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us."
-Earl Nightingale 
Here, this amazing quote by Earl that shows how manners are important in life to be treated as one wants. This can be seen in the unfortunate places where dictator ship rules and everyone is oppressed. This shows how mainly everyone hates and dislikes that single person because of his attitude.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder 
-Thomas Carly 

This quote suggests that any one who does not have an aspiration is bound to get lost in the future that awaits him.This quote implies that everyone needs to have something the want to be or become. this also means that it has to be positive because a reckless person is wiling to cause damage to himself. This quote shows how everyone has to be responsible for their aspirations and that they have to be achievers to get it. A good example of using this quote would be having the dream to become the grates doctor to ever live or to be the same, but with the difference of cheating. The one who becomes a doctor by hard work will be compensated in the same way, alike the cheater only got so far by coping the hard work of others.

This quote relates to my 100+ goals because i need to work hard to obtain my goals.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Assertiveness, a word many of use do not use in our everyday vocabulary. but it is not such a stranger to us. assertiveness defines an individuals confidence in behavior or style.

 “Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because of someone’s version of your reality is not their reality."
- Shannon L. Alder

In this quote by Shannon l. Alder, you can clearly see how to stay assertive, by not changing who you are for other people, to stay how you are, to keep your confidence and style the same not matter what. An example of this quote is when I was lonely at HPIAM for the first year of school, I was invited over to sit with some friends to, over the time they eventually tried to manipulate me into becoming someone or something I was not, I changed from a scholar to a lonely Failure. I eventually changed and became a better person for myself.

Friday, August 21, 2015


My main Goals 
I will start by listing my top priority goals.
  1. My first goal is to get engaged to my fiance.
  2. Become a doctor (not the type that helps) in science (PhD)
  3. Finish reading the Attack on Titan manga and finish watching the anime.
  4. Get a minimum of PURE A IN ALL OF MY CLASSES.
  5. Successfully finish my invention to reduce carbon monoxide.
  6. Be healthier.
  7. Join the math and science club (if there is one)
  8. Go to UCLA.
  9. Pass my drivers test.
  10. Help in the creation of artificial intelligence.
  11. Make a fish tank Rapture based.
  12.  Buy my motorcycle.
  13. Visit Scotland.
  14. Visit the moon.
  15. Discover an element (or create one)
  16. Help street animals,
  17. Discover a metal that could withstand the pressure of under water and discover what type of animals live there.
  18. Travel around the world.
  19. Buy a home on the a rural part of Scotland.
  20. Get out of school and eat.  
  21. Visit Japan
  22. Buy my mother a house 
  23. Learn Kung Fu
  24. Learn how to fix any type of computers 
  25. Master Playing guitar 
  26. Send my Application to many universities 
  27. Learn Latin
  28. Learn Japanese
  29. Find German 
  30. Find a Ruby 
  31. Finally visit Mexico 
  32. Meet all of my family from Mexico
  33. Go to the Cal State Long Beach
  34. Do something romantic for Ana
  35. Be respectful
  36. Finish playing Person 4
  37. Go to  the camping trip
  38. Finish paying all the senior dues


  What is accountability? well, according to google, accountability is the fact or condition of accountable or responsible. But does every this apply to everything? According to the English-American political activist, political theorist, philosopher and revolutionist  Thomas Paine “A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody" and by stating this, he demonstrates the foundation of life itself, no as important as sharing with the world and giving a helping hand to those in need. Just as famous civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr "A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.” and as he states this, MLK supports Paine's idea of trust and fairness. Just as in a sport, if a member of the team decided that it is his time to shine, then he will be selfish enough to make a spectacle and cause the team to loose.