Thursday, March 31, 2016

Khan Academy Internet 101

Khan Academy Internet 101

Image result for khan academy
What I learned from the Khan Academy videos is that there is more than one form to connect to the internet, yet, there is flaws with all of them. An example would be with the wireless connections, with a wireless connection the signal has high chances of being lost, meaning that one must be within a close range to get the best possible service.

Another thing I learned was that computer viruses are similar to those that humans get, they infect the host and damage it slowly, but in the case of computers,the virus give permission to others to control the computer,steal information or just simply damage the computer.

With the new knowledge I know posses, I can take new measurements of security to keep my electronic devices and sensitive data safe. To keep my data a secret from those thief who take what is not theirs.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The 10 Keys to Personal Power

The 10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy

Key 1 Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do"

Being clear of ones life and goals is crucial for life's prosperity, if one has a blur for their future, they would take time clearing the path that should be clear and wast precious time. Clarity is vital in many things, one of them is choosing the right.

Key 2 Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get"

Being committed to doing something for personal gain can either give something great in return or a lesson. Nothing bad can come from being committed, this I think because being committed is something that is possible for everyone, but not everyone does it. And for those who do it, they get something; a person who is committed to doing bad things can get the lesson of their life, they either learn that doing wrong is bad or they learn how to do bad worse. Being committed does not have a bias, but it would be amazing if the world reduced the people committed to doing bad to 1% and increase the people who do good 70%.

Key 3 Concentration
"Make the best use of your time.Ask yourself "is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything"

Concentration can be determines as moles over liters (m/L) .... ok, maybe not this concentration.
The concentration that is being spoken of is a key to determining ones maturity and self-reliance. Staying concentrated is one of the main keys to achieving great things. Many of us cannot stay concentrated a single second , but it isn't because we don't want to (although I doubt some are even trying), it is because we have never been taught to concentrate, for most of our young lives, we have been on the loose, going from party to party, visiting places and what not. But we never took the time to sit down at home or at the park and read a good book,or do homework, or anything really that needed concentration. Keeping in mind ones priorities is vital to accomplishing great things.

Key 4 Common Sense

  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition
  • learn from setbacks
Common sense is crucial for survival of a specie, that includes us humans. We need to rely on our senses of survival to keep us going, that is what has taken us to new frontiers. As primitives, we knew nothing of the dangers from the world, we did not know that fire could kill us, or that a cold was deadly. It was all up to our senses to keep us alive, to tell our brain to stay away from that fire, to keep us warm in the winter. But now, as an advance specie, we have stopped relying on our instincts and common sense that stupidity now comes by nature.
To solve personal problems, we must take time to think of different scenarios, to think of different solutions and overall, take time to do it all. We have forgotten the process that most things have to go through to feel all the experience that the moment offers.

Key 5 Creativity

"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

Not everyone was meant to be a genius, if we where, our society and life style would would be perfect. Everyone would know the harms of everything that surrounds us.
I would agree that everyone has the potential of being a genius, but I do not believe that everyone is a genius, if that where true, then it'll be an insult for all of those who worked hard to achieve their intellectual. But creativity is beautiful when dominated, the creation of something from nothing is similar to the creation of everything, the creation of our beautiful universe.

Key 6Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
Success can partially be affected by the relationships we hold with others. We can either make strong relationships to fill our lives with prosperity, or we don't. But not is only having relationships important, it is important to know what relationships must stay, if we have a relationship that is malicious, then it must go to prevent damage to yourself.
Being considerate of others and yourself is a great step to becoming a better person. But, there are occasions in which one's consideration must be set aside. Some of those occasions will always appear to a persons door step, no matter how hard one wants to evade them.

Key 7: Consistency

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."

Being the person anyone can depend on is a great thing, especially if you are an important person in the field of work you specialize in or at home. But always being the important person can take a tole in your personal life, having so much responsibility at an advance or young age can be difficult, either for the stress , or the inexperience with such responsibility. Some advantages of being consistent are consistency allows for measurement consistency creates accountability.

Key 8: Commitment

"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."

"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed "

Commitment is needed for achieving great things. No project, or goal has ever been achieved without commitment because commitment is what drives us to better our work and what makes everything that is good better.
If we had no determination, what could we accomplish? Where would we be with mediocre work? If all the work we have completed until now was just a bunch of rubbish, then so would our society be. Ideas worth spreading, inventions worth making would have not come into existence if there was no commitment. The lack of commitment would be just as stacked domino, everything that follows the first step would fail because the fist step to everything needs a strong base.

Key 9: Courage

"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

courage is something great to possess. Nothing great and nearly impossible is achieved without courage; this gives us the strength to push forward with difficult task. Whether this tasks are physically or mentally difficult. Yet, courage is not all that is needed; possessing courage is great, but combining it with different attribute to become better and better. Having courage to do things is good, having courage to ask out a girl, or do something really stupid, yet, when it is combined with intelligence, the outcome can be better and the work can be lessen. In less words, having courage is good, but using that trait in combination with other attribute is great.

Key 10: Confidence

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."

The repetition of things can make those same things obsolete if it is done without heart. Making things that use to be enjoyable in a daily basis, can make those things unbearable. But being confident of something you do can just make about anything bearable. Being able to talk to people with confidence about what you do and teach them can just release a feeling of euphoria. Therefore, doing everything with confidence is something great because it was achieved with your hard work.


The Keys to Personal Power will benefit me in the future, past and present by helping me reflect on my life actions that I took, and use that same knowledge to shape my future actions and to be sure to not choose actions that will go against me.
For example, I will utilize Key 10 at college to be sure that I do not get intimidated and keep my progress at its peek. I will utilize Key 5 to bring new ideas to the table at my work place. And also, I will utilize Key 3 to concentrate on my goals, on my self and surroundings to keep my environment euphoria.