Thursday, September 10, 2015


Decisions Determine Destiny 

An attribute that describes this amazing quote can be achiever, determine, skilled and positive. This attributes are great for this quote because you have to positive to motivate yourself to achieve your goals and you have to be skilled or determine to achieve their goals which will become your destiny. 

An example of this quote can be if you are a person who has everything against them can either choose to over come their sorrow and awful life to succeed beyond what they are expected to by everyone around them. Yet they can choose to stay with the awfulness that surrounds them and become part of what society dislike. 

This relates to my 100+ goals because I decided to get away from all the awfulness that surrounds my environment, that includes gangs, drugs, murder, violence, and many more awful things that would keep me away from becoming a CTR CHAMPION!!! 

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